Making a purchase could not be easier. Just browse our shop and click on any item that you wish to buy and then add them to your cart.
This will take you to your basket where you can either 'checkout' or continue shopping.
When you have finished your shopping, click on "Make Order" in Your Basket. When you checkout you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to satisfy the order.
Place your order and your credit card company will convert the transaction to your own currency. The amount charged by the credit card company is subject to the exchange rates used by your credit card company and therefore the if you use the currency convertor, any amounts given will be approximations. We have no control over the rate used by your bank.
Shopping Basket
As you shop on our website, you can add items to your shopping basket.
You can reach the shopping basket by clicking on the "Your Basket" button on the top of any page.
If you change your mind, the shopping basket will allow you to remove or change the quantity of any product you have added.
If you run out of time, your basket will be saved - Cookies are used on this site to keep track of the contents of your shopping cart once you have selected an item.
Using a Discount Code
Most of our discount codes are sent out in emails to customers who have joined our mailing list.
You can start shopping directly and when you have added all your items to your basket, enter your code in the Discount coupon field located at the bottom of your basket. Click on continue and your basket will refresh with the price including the discount.
Wholesale Information
Ambertic website is retail only. If you wish to order wholesale any of the items shown on our website, please contact us directly. Ambertic does not give out information about our suppliers either via email or telephone.